Tuesday, February 3, 2009


You guys are a riot...and no, when it is 15 below windchill I will NOT pick you up at the bus stop on the snowmobile! I prefer the toasty buns I get in my dirty little Nissan. However, it is fun to sit in the kitchen with my hands wrapped around a mug of hot tea and watch you fling each other around on the sled that is tied to the back of the "sled". I can almost hear your laughter as one of you goes flipping backwards, another one tries to catch that one and you both go over...all while the driver is still going full boar ahead not even realizing that she has lost both passengers. The best is when you come in, cheeks all rosy and laughing and talking so fast that you can barely breath. You are all so excited to tell me what happened and how fun it was. I just sit back (with my warm hands) and let you warm my heart with all of your jumbled words and eyes that are lit up and shining like the northern lights.

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